The InMotion Network's PARTICIPATION and LEADERSHIP contribution programs offer support to organizations that encourage girls and women (in all their diversity) to get active and be leaders in sport and physical activity.
Through this program we strive to:
- Facilitate high quality active opportunities in communities that address barriers to participation.
- Support programs that have sustainable goals through partnerships with local community resources.
- Work with stakeholders and partners from local and provincial organizations and businesses.
- Support local leaders, coaches and officials with the training they need to improve their skills and their capacity to run programs and physical activity opportunities.
- Support increase movement/leadership opportunities for individuals who have been, and continue to be, excluded from our sporting, recreation, and physical activity systems due to interrelated factors such as race, gender, income, (dis)ability, religion, and language.
PLEASE NOTE: All of InMotion Network's contribution programs are funded through AGLC gaming proceeds. All applications must be submitted through an Alberta not-for-profit organization or charity in good standing in order to be eligible. If your organization has their own AGLC gaming proceeds, this support must be used through your Casino account and based on your approved use of proceeds. Please connect with us if you have any questions about this before applying.
How much can we apply for?
** Please note that due to the amount of applications we receive we do periodically ask groups to scale their project based on the funding available each intake. **
Go Girl, Girls in Motion, Women in Motion (Participation Programs)
Organizations can apply for a maximum of $2500
Take the Lead (Leadership Projects)
Individuals - Maximum $1000
Organizations - Maximum $3000
Who is eligible to apply?
All applications must be submitted through not for profit or charity organizations in Alberta who are in good standing. For the Take the Lead program we do ask that applicants become a member in order to apply. If your are unable to purchase a membership due to financial constraints please connect with us.
Do we have to choose a category to apply?
Yes, your organization will need to choose a category for a program or Take the Lead.
Program Categories: Go Girl, Girls in Motion or Women in Motion
Take the Lead Categories: Coach, Official, Sport/Recreation Administrator
Although your organization is applying to a category, each program is unique and should meet the needs of your community.
Does the InMotion Network direct the projects?
Projects are approved based on their application, InMotion can support your project as needed with advice, but the participation and leadership programs are designed to be driven by local community needs.
How often can we apply?
Organizations can apply once per intake, to a maximum of $5000 total per year from InMotion Network.
When do we apply?
There are two intakes each year for both programs.
Participation Program Opportunities - Women in Motion, Girls in Motion, Go Girl
- December 1st for programs running between January and May
- April 1st for programs running between June and December
Leadership Opportunities - Take the Lead
- October 31 for opportunities between January and May
- April 30 for opportunities between June and December
What is the adjudication committee looking for in an application?
Although all applications are adjudicated based on the entire application, here are a few questions you can answer in order to enhance your applications.
Program Applications
- How are you addressing barriers for participation in your program?
- How are you working with partners and/or the community you are serving?
- Does the budget align with the project outcomes?
- How will this project impact future opportunities for your organization and community?
- Program Adjudication Template
Leadership Applications
- How are you addressing the barriers for leadership opportunities for women and girls in Alberta?
- Does the budget align with the project outcomes?
- How will this project impact future opportunities for leadership opportunities for girls and women in your organization and community?
- Take The Lead Adjudication Template
What are eligible expenses?
As this funding is a donation from our AGLC proceeds and there are limits to what we are able to support. This also needs to consider what is on your organizations Use of Proceeds List.
The main categories that we often support are:
- Honorariums, Coaching, Instructor costs (itemized and specific)
- Facility Rental/Access Costs
- Transportation Costs Associated with the Project
- First Aid Costs/Support
- Education and Coaching Course Fees (Take the Lead ONLY)
The following expenses will be considered based on the size and scope of the project:
- Materials, equipment and supplies (purchases must stay with the organization)
- Marketing and Promotion
- Equipment rentals including entertainment rentals
- Food and refreshments
- Volunteer needs (itemized and specific)
What are ineligible expenses?
Costs that are not eligible to be covered by this grant include:
- Purchase of capital items
- Wages and salaries related to administration/staff
- Items of a personal, social, or promotional nature (e.g. water bottle, t-shirts)
- Volunteer Appreciation (e.g. gift cards, social events)
- Travel outside of Alberta
Program Overview - Women in Motion, Girls in Motion and Go Girl
Funding Program Overview
For more details on the application process this video provides a more detailed 15 minute PPT overview and includes FAQs.
Intake Deadlines for Applicants
**Please note: Applications are accepted in two intakes per year, if your application is submitted outside of these times it will not be reviewed until the next intake deadline
Participation Program Opportunities
(choose a category from below)
Women in Motion, Girls in Motion, Go Girl Programs
December 1st for programs running between January and May
April 1st for programs running between June and December
Leadership Opportunities
October 31 for opportunities between January and May
April 30 for opportunities between June and December