What is Take the Lead?
  • The Take the Lead Program provides support for Albertan girls and women to become experienced leaders in sport and recreation.
  • Applicants can apply for support with costs associated with training, course fees, professional development, professional certification, clinics, equipment, travel, lodging, meals, and other training related activities. We follow AGLC guidelines for these eligible expenses.
  • The Take the Lead Program is NOT intended to support physical activity projects and recreational initiatives.

The Take the Lead program provides support for girls and women working or volunteering in the sport or active living communities, recreation field or school system who are working towards increasing their leadership capacity.

Important Note: Due to regulations with the AGLC, the InMotion Network can only support Take the Lead Applicants through a local or provincial sport organization/not for profit/charity in good standing. Individuals are not able to receive this support directly.

Category: Coach

You should apply for the ♀Take the Lead Funding in this category if you are a women who is:

  • a coach, instructor, volunteer, or teacher operating in a coaching role who is interacting with girls and women in a sport or physical activity environment AND/OR;
  • have NCCP coaching certification or are in the process of completing it AND;
  • have an affiliation with a provincial sport organization (PSO) or national sport organization (NSO) or a multi-sport organization (MSO) or work/volunteer for a club/team who is a member of a PSO/NSO/MSO.

Category: Official

You should apply for the ♀Take the Lead Funding in this category if you are a women who is a:

  • official, umpire, judge, referee, adjudicator or commissaire operating in an officiating capacity who is interacting with girls and women in a sport or physical activity environment
  • AND; have certification or are in the process of completing it through your provincial sport organization (PSO) or national sport organization (NSO) or a multi-sport organization (MSO) or work/volunteer for a club/team who is a member of a PSO/NSO/MSO.

Category: Sport/Recreation Administrator

You should apply for the ♀Take the Lead Funding in this category if you are a woman who is:

  • a sport/recreation administrator, volunteer, board member, committee member, or leader representing a club, team, or organization that has an affiliation with a provincial or national sport organization (PSO/NSO/MSO) or physical activity association.

Note: Athletes in pursuit of personal achievement in sport are not eligible for this

Who is eligible to apply for Take the Lead?

  • All applications must be submitted through not for profit or charity organizations in Alberta who are in good standing.
  • Individuals applying for Take the Lead must apply with a not for profit or charity organization, funding support can only be given to organizations.
  • For the Take the Lead program we do ask that applicants become a member in order to apply. If you are unable to purchase a membership due to financial constraints please connect with us.

How much Take the Lead support can we apply for?

  • Individual Take the Lead Applicants can apply for a maximum of  $1,000 per individual
  • Organization Take the Lead Applicants can apply for a maximum of $3,000 per organization

How often can you apply?

Organizations can apply once per intake, to a maximum of $5000 total per year from InMotion Network from any funding program. 

When do we apply?

Take the Lead

  • October 31 for opportunities between January and May
  • April 30 for opportunities between June and December

When will we know if we received funding?

Successful candidates will be notified within thirty days of the application deadline. Projects must be completed within one year of the application deadline.

What is the adjudication committee looking for in an application?

Leadership Applications

  • How are you addressing the barriers for leadership opportunities for women and girls in Alberta?
  • Does the budget align with the project outcomes?
  • How will this project impact future opportunities for leadership opportunities for girls and women in your organization and community?
  • Does the application expenses fit within the guidelines?
  • Take the Lead Adjudication Template

What are eligible expenses?

As this funding is a donation from our AGLC proceeds and there are limits to what we are able to support. This also needs to consider what is on your organization's Use of Proceeds List is also an AGLC funded group. .

The main categories that we often support for Take the Lead are related to the costs associated with Coaching, Officiating, Education Courses related to the approved project.

  • Course Registration Fees (Cost, Dates and Location)
  • Transportation Costs Associated with the Project (These must be in Alberta)
  • Course Supplies (Detailed)
  • Accommodations (Cost breakdown)
  • Transportation costs (Type, cost)
  • Meals (dates and number of meals)

What are ineligible expenses?

Costs that are not eligible to be covered by Take the Lead include:

  • Purchase of capital items
  • Wages and salaries related to administration/staff/recipient
  • Items of a personal, social, or promotional nature (e.g. water bottle, t-shirts)
  • Volunteer Appreciation (e.g. gift cards, social events)
  • Travel outside of Alberta

Take the Lead - Intake Deadlines

  • October 31 for opportunities between January and May
  • April 30 for opportunities between June and December

Each Take the Lead project is unique and based on the needs of the individual or organization. Follow this link to our Get Inspired page to learn more!

4 women in sprint canoes in the water beside a coach on the dock.
Female coach speaking to para ice hockey athletes on the ice
Curling coach on the ice
Tennis coach at the net serving tennis balls