February 19, 2025 3:26 pm

InMotion Network Casino

June 24 and 25, 2025 at PURE Casino Edmonton (Argyll)

Sign up to support our 2025 Casino, we are looking for volunteers on June 24 and 25, 2025 at PURE Casino Edmonton.

What is the impact of AGLC Casino funding on the InMotion Network?
InMotion Network uses their Casino funding as donations to directly support Go Girl, Girls in Motion, Women in Motion and Take the Lead programs. We use 100% of this funding to support women and girls in these programs. In 2024 we were able to support:
2180 total participants

"This opportunity has improved my mental health and opened the door for me to inspire others. I hope that by starting my journey and stepping into a coaching role, I can show other athletes what’s possible and the value of having disabled individuals in leadership positions. Thank you doesn’t seem like enough to express my gratitude for your support. But from the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping me get back on the snow and for being such an integral part of my journey to becoming a coach.” Take the Lead Recipient

"We would like to express our deepest gratitude for funding our classes. This funding is more valuable for us as it gives an opportunity for newcomers, BIPOC, ethnic minority community to feel included and welcomed. Thank you for making a lasting impact in communities facing equity challenges – we greatly appreciate it.” Women in Motion Recipient

183 coaches or officials with 80 certifications
33 total projects supporting 13 areas of Alberta

"Woman, girls and those who identify as female continue to face unique barriers to participation in sport and, certainly, when it comes to holding leadership roles within sport. Without support, the dreams and efforts towards an equal "playing field" in sport leadership seems futile. Just knowing that efforts are being made by decision makers and organizations to create opportunities and to lessen the uphill battle serves to keep aspirations and drive alive. Thank you to the InMotion Network for doing this." Take the Lead Recipient