ACCES Girls Soccer - Spring 2023
The Alberta Chinese Cultural Society received Girls In Motion funding to support the development of their girls soccer program. The funding was used to leverage local partnerships and coaching fees for the program to help bring more girls out to the program which has more boys participating. In the summer 2023 season, 66 girls participated in the program.
This was a great bridge introductory soccer program for the girls in this community a few of the opportunities that came out of the season were:
- A few of the players decided to register into some soccer clubs after the try it out project.
- Three participants started expressed interest in more soccer training with the head coach
- Six of the girls were referred to two different soccer clubs for their tryouts in August
- Participants received information about junior soccer clubs and community teams so participants could continue to play throughout the year if interested.
- In addition, participants were given information about the other organizations that could support registration fees and equipment for low income families and new comers such as Sports Central, Kids Jump start.